Drop It Like It’s Squat

Drop It Like It’s Squat

Life is full of ups and downs...we call em squats.

Working out consistently 3 times a week has been a game changer for me the last few months. Thanks to my awesome trainer Gabe Lemon from G6 Performance Training, a close group of neighborhood gfs and the cool summer mornings I feel about 1000 Xs better physically, mentally, emotionally. (I’m also sore as heck most days but it’s a great feeling.)

But really this change in my exercise routine has turned my COVID life around in the best way possible. So I’m sharing a glimpse of one of our workouts so you can try it at home too!

5 Inch worm to squat thrust

10 Squat jumps

20 Sit ups (dynamax ball optional)

Do this 5 times and if you’re feeling extra frisky add in a 200 meter run between each set. You can do it!


Everyone knows a cute outfit means a better workout, right? Linking some of my workout must haves!

My trainer Gabe Lemon of G6 Performance Training has shared an additional Kettlebell workout just for you! Don’t worry if you don’t have a Kettlebell you can use anything around the house that’ll change the load like a loaded backpack, groceries or even your kids. Just kidding…but seriously!

Gabe Lemon says: With these kettlebell complex exercises we are prepping the posterior change instead of taking the normal static as well as dynamic stretching approach. You can use the hinge and goblet techniques and consider it like “loaded stretching” for the hamstrings and groin. With the row we are engaging our core and maintaining neutral spine making sure we are focusing on working our lats in and getting full range of motion through our pull. Finally when getting to the kettlebell swing we want to combine everything we used and make sure we are executing our movement through the hinge position issuing all of our previous cues from the exercises before hand and bringing it all together into our swing.

Stay in the 8-10 rep range for each exercise

Kettlebell hinge row

Kettlebells RDL

Kettlebell Goblet Squats

Kettlebell swings

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